Monday, September 24, 2007


I enjoyed the class and the growing understanding of New Media. Up until completing this class I've directed my online non-linear thinking a bit deeper. I've came across 3 Websites that I've firmly attached myself to and also plan to attend Burning Man in 2008. Also through A Whole New Mind I am starting to become more flexible with my thinking. This semester I am taking a class called Art & the Internet. Understanding New Media helps me adjust and continue exploring this new age of technology. Over the summer I brought my studio and my personal BLOG into a public setting. I am becoming more closely interested with the physical world outside of the internet and how we translate outside of the online network.

Here are a few links to some great finds after taking New Media:
Between you & me

I've also made a quick attempt at stop motion animation and I plan to pursue a 5 min. stop motion video for a class this semester.
Here is a link to my Webpage that has no recent updates from spring semester

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